Veterans Mile Race report -- Wednesday, 22nd July 2015 on the NSC racetrack, Douglas:-
It was a cool cloudy evening about 15°C with a slight breeze, and 23 Veterans turned out for the event. Several new age group times were recorded which may prove to be new records. Athletes who know they have recorded a faster time should notify IOMAA using the form on the IOMAA website. The Vets Cup was presented to Mike Garrett. -> RESULTS <-
Dursley Stott Spring Handicap Races were held on the NSC Roadway on Thursday 19th March 2015.
RESULTS: --> 5K Walk <-- and --> 10K Run <-- Photos by Murray Lambden --> here <-- Report by Mo Kelly:-
Farquhars Set the Bar!
The Dursley Stott Spring Handicap Races, organised by the Isle of Man Veteran Athletes’ Club, were held on the NSC perimeter roadway on Thursday 19 March in ideal conditions.
The 5K walk produced some very fine performances. Fastest on the night was Dale Farquhar in 26mins 22secs but it was Jayne Farquhar who claimed the race victory in an excellent time of 32:27. Fastest lady was Louise Smith in 31:52.
In the 10K run it was Kevin Deakes who took the spoils in a time of 37:24 with another excellent run following his success in the 20 mile race held earlier in the month.
However, the fastest time was set by Jamie Newton in 34:07 finishing just 8 seconds ahead of Mike Garrett after a close battle between the pair from start to finish. Mike Garrett’s time of 34:15 is believed to be a new V45 record – yet to be ratified.The fastest lady was Rachael Hamilton in 38:28.
Thanks to the lap-counters, marshals, judges, time-keeper and all who helped in this ever increasingly popular race event.
IOMVAC Membership Form for 2015 --> Here <--
Please note that the Form has 2 pages. To be considered a Veteran you must be over 35 years of age and provide proof of age. Please renew your Membership as soon as possible.
Proposed Minutes of 2015 AGM Chairman's Report for 2014 Note from Terry Bates, our new Chairman
Isle of Man Open 20 Mile Road Race, sponsored by Leinster Management Ltd. was held in dry but rather cold & breezy conditions at the N.S.C. in Douglas on Sunday 1st March 2015. -> RESULTS <-
Well done to all. Ladies winner, Helen Taylor, and overall winner Kevin Deakes. Photos - Adrian Cowin
Many thanks to the organisers, officials, lap counters, water station & helpers. Thanks to Manx Harriers for the use of their clubhouse. Photos by Murray Lambden here and by Adrian Cowin here
The Top Three -
Left to right: Anthony Bell-Scott (3rd), Kevin Deakes (1st) & Paul Sykes (2nd)
This photo shows the retiring Chairman (Colin Watterson) with the Club President (Dursley Stott). Between them, Colin and Dursley have served the club for over 50 years. Colin as Chairman for over 32 years and Dursley is in his 24th year as President. Both Gentlemen have a wealth of athletic experience and knowledge and continue to support the club wherever and whenever they can. They are truly inspirational!
Thanks to all those who attended the club’s AGM on Monday 26th January. Report & photos from Mo Kelly:-
Colin Watterson gave his final Chairman’s Report as after more than 32 years he has stood down. As usual, his report was very informative giving details of all the 2014 club events. A copy of his report will be published on the website shortly. The new Chairman, Terry Bates, presented Colin with a slate memorial for his mantelpiece and Brenda with flowers in recognition of her support to Colin.
Following the business end of the meeting (Minutes to follow) there was a small buffet and the Trophy Presentation with the trophies presented by Colin. A list of the Trophy can be seen by clicking HERE
Photo of some of the Trophy Winners - Left to right: Kevin Deakes, Angela Corkish, Terry Bates, Ian Callister, Roger Moughtin, Moira Hall, Geoff Hall, Mandine Wilson, Brian Kelly and Enid Watson. Terry also announced that the 2015 London Marathon club places have been awarded to Maggie Watkins and Rita Norrey. Good luck to both of them.
Trophy List, 2014 --> Here <--
IOMVAC Walking League 2014, Results -> Men <- -> Women <-
IOMVAC Fell Running League Championship 2015: Here 2014 Result -> Here
Road Running Shield: Final Result --> Here
'Syd Quirk' Half Marathon. Sunday 23rd November 2014 --> RESULTS <--
Well done to all. Many thanks to officials, marshals & helpers.
Coverage & photos + links etc. by Murray Lambden on
Photos by 'CQ Photos' --> HERE <--
Autumn Handicap 5k Race Walk & 10k Road Run, at the NSC in Douglas
held on Thursday 16th October. Sponsored by Dursley Stott OBE.
Results --> Run HERE <-- --> Walk HERE <-- Well done to all.
Thanks to the officials and helpers on a warm but wet evening.
Ramsey Bakery End to End Walk
Sunday 21st September 2014
--> E2E Walk Website <-- --> Results <--
Coverage at --> Here <--
Photos by Murray Lambden --> Here <--
Many thanks to all Officials, Organisers, Sponsors, Marshals and Helpers
Isle of Man Marathon & Half Marathon
Race Report sent by Caroline Diggle --> HERE
Well done to all taking part in the rather tough conditions.
Many thanks to the sponsors, organisers, officials and marshals etc.
Winner of the Marathon was Ed Gumbley:-
(Photo from Paul Jackson)
Vet's Mile 2014 --> Result
The top three, pictured (L to R) above, Kevin Deakes (3rd) & Mike Garrett (1st) with Nigel Armstrong (2nd).
Photo by Carolyn Magee.
Spring Handicap 10km Road Run & 5k Race Walk at the NSC, Thursday 20th March
RESULTS --> Run <-- & --> Walk <--
Photos by Murray Lambden --> Here
All our events are listed under the Club Events Tab
Trophy winners (2013) --> Here <--
Leinster Management Ltd. Open 20Mile Race --> RESULTS
On Sunday 2nd March 2014 the Isle of Man Veteran Athletes'Club held their 20 mile road race at the NSC
At the IOMVAC Dinner & Trophy Presentation held on 29 November 2013 Margy Killey made a presentation, on behalf of the club, to Colin Watterson who was celebrating 32 years as Club Chairman. Margy’s speech --> Here
Colin is photographed with his gifts - a barometer, clock and champagne:-
At the AGM in January, Colin was persuaded to continue as Chairman for a further year. We are all indebted to Colin. His enthusiasm, knowledge and experience of athletics makes him a treasure, not only to our club but to the whole sporting community on the island.
The AGM proposed Minutes --> Here Colin’s report for 2013 --> Here
Well done to Club Members in the Paris Marathon 2014:-
Rita Norrey 5:05:44 and Mike Norrey 5:11:41.
Also 'well done' to Club Members in the London Marathon 2014:-
Paul Curphey 3:19:28, Mark Peberdy 3:38:00, Lesley Christian 4:48:15 and Alison Corlett 5:03:40.
Proposed Minutes from 2013 AGM. Chairman's Report for 2012 and Trophy List
Haldane Fisher 'Syd Quirk' Half Marathon , Sunday 27th November 2011: -
Margaret Boal has been in touch to kindly let us know the year of the photo that Peter Cooper sent in showing Francis Boal (from Ballydrain Harriers in Northern Ireland) followed by Stan Hall. It was taken on Peel Hill during the Easter Festival in 2000.Trophy and Award Winners 2010Results HERE Photographs by Adrian Cowin HERE
Here -- some of the recipients are pictured above, with Dursley Stott (Club President) after our recent AGM.Mike Garrett flying on the first lap, in second place, at Ballabeg corner. By the last lap, at the same spot into the stiff breeze, he had moved up to a winning position with a 10metre lead over Lloyd Taggart.
Pictured below, shortly after the start of the walk, are Mike George leading Jock Waddington & David Walker .... they finished as the top 3 in the same order. (AC)
Results from the Dursley Stott Autumn Handicap Races, 2011:-
Walk HERE Run HERE Thanks to Marie & Paul Jackson, all officials & helpers.
Fell Running -- IOMVAC League 2011, final results: Winners... Rob Webb and Moira Hall. See complete results HERE thanks to Ian Callister. Also ... read about the Manx Peaks 24hour Record by Ian HERE
Isle of Man Veteran Athletes' Club Polo Shirt -- click Here
RESULT: Veterans Mile at the NSC, Wednesday 6th July 2011. 1, Mike Garrett (Manx Harriers) 4.52.8;2, Andy Fox (MH) 5.22.2; 3, Kevin Vondy (Northern AC) 5.23.9; 4, Julie Harrison (MH) 5.46.8; 5, Les Brown (MH) 6.26.7; 6, Moira Hall (Western AC)7.2 2.3;
Veterans Autumn Handicap Results & Report by Marie Jackson here
RUNNING GROUP: A friendly informal running group meet every Monday and Wednesday at 6pm in Douglas. All abilities are welcome and catered for, ranging from complete beginners through to runners training for marathons. You do not need to enrol or belong to an athletic club. Everybody very welcome. Further information from Rob Gillanders on 499775 or Mo Kelly on 834117.
Leinster Management Ltd. 20 Mile Road Race, 2011 -- Results: Here
Veterans Spring Handicap 10km Road Run & 5km Race Walk, sponsored by Dursley Stott OBE, held at the NSC on Thursday 17th March 2011. Thanks to all officials & helpers. RESULTS: Walk here Run here
Lisa Motley can provide sports massages at very reasonable rates – interested members can get in touch with her on 431651.
Any members who wish to claim a record, must complete a form found on the IOM AA website. Once completed the form should be forwarded to Bernie Shimell for ratification. Instructions & further details can be found on the IOM AA website.
Haldane Fisher 'Syd Quirk' half marathon 2010
Results (thanks to Murray Lambden): Walk here and Run here.
Pictured above by Murray Lambden are Mike Garrett (centre) from Haldane Fisher (IoM) presenting trophies to the overall winners in the mens & ladies running race: Lloyd Taggart and Gail Griffiths.
Well done to all. Many thanks to all officials & helpers.
Syd Quirk features, photo & video coverage by Murray at
Ramsey Bakery End to End Walk: Jock Waddington wins & sets a new record time. Please see more, & results link, on our website for this event here
Results from the Veterans' Mile (14th July) -- here
List of trophy winners (2009) --- please click here
Jock, pictured by Adrian Cowin, on the Howe Road above Port St Mary and walking well all the way up to Cregneash before the final stretch down to a fast finish at The Sound in 6:37:29.Pictured above are the IOMVAC & WAC members who travelled to York to take part in the 'Brass Monkey' Half Marathon on Sunday 24th January 2010. Back Row: Barry Moore, Geoff Hall. Middle Row: Moira Hall, Lesley Christian, Rob Gillanders. Front Row: Sue Ackroyd, Vera Jones, Jackie Moore, Claire Hulme, Ingrid Sugden.
Times (chip): Rob Gillanders 1:29:45 Barry Moore 1:31:02 Moira Hall 1:56:36 Jackie Moore 1:58;58 Geoff Hall 2:12:26 Lesley Christian 2:14:14 Sue Ackroyd 2:16:14 Ingrid Sugden 2:42:36 Vera Jones 2:42:36 Claire Hulme 2:59:53
Road Running Shield: 1st Richard Radcliffe. 2nd Rob Sellors. 3rd Stephen Brown.
Race Walking League: Men -- 1st Michael George. 2nd Ian Callister. 3rd Jock Waddington.
RWL: Women -- 1st Margy Killey. 2nd Lisa Motley. 3rd Bethany Clague.
Anne Brough trophies (Spring / Autumn handicap walks): -
Men -- Vinny Lynch. Ladies -- Margy Killey.
Bob Skillicorn trophies (Spring / Autumn handicap runs): -
Men -- Barry Moore. Ladies -- Moira Hall.
Track & Field awards: Men -- Geoff Hall. Ladies -- Moira Hall.
Sam Robinson memorial trophies (1st Vet in 10 mile): -
Men -- Robbie Callister. Ladies -- Wendy Ross.
'Vets Mile': Andy Fox.
Fell Runner of the Year (2007): Andy Gosnell.
Brian Doughty trophy (services to the club): Christine Bathgate.
The photo shows our Chairman, Colin Watterson, presenting Sarah Goldsmith with the Brian Doughty Memorial Trophy which is presented annually for services to the club. The recipient is decided after a secret vote by the Committee. Sarah Goldsmith, a former committee member, earned the award after all her hard work compiling and issuing the newsletter and for her assistance in marshalling numerous events.
Pictured above by Stan Hall: Peter Cooper, Dave Corrin & the late James Coulson on top of Greeba summit in December 2001.
Well done again Jock! Winner of the CMI Parish Walk 2009.
Number 1, Jock Waddington, taking a swig during his quick stroll through Colby on his way to another 85mile race victory. ( AC)
Tholt y Will hill race, 1997. Left to right:-
Peter Cooper, Peter Hughes, Simon Cox & Steve Moynihan.

Photograph sent in by Peter Cooper is of the Peel to Castletown Road Race 1994.
Left to right: - Club members - Peter Cooper, Brian Goldsmith, Martin Bell, Alan Postlethwaite & Terry Bates.
Well done Sir!
(Picture by Murray Lambden)
IOMVAC member, & Head Teacher of Cronk-y-Berry School, Rob Sellors completed his own version of an ultra-marathon event on Sunday 30th Sept. It was a duathlon of about 91 miles, visiting 41 schools across the Island, & it was covered in around 10.7 hours. He raised £1800 for Manx Cancer Help. A brilliant effort. Read more here.
20km Walk, sponsored by Union Mills Garage, held at the NSC Douglas 9/9/2007. Results: here
20km Walk pictures by Murray Lambden: here
We had a team, see picture below, in the Viking Longboat Boat Races in Peel, on Saturday 4th August. The VIKING VETS were sponsored by Manx Print Care. This team was in the mixed races (5 men & 5 women), rowing in the afternoon and appreciated some support from people on the quayside. The team T-shirts were bright Kelly Green with yellow writing -- you couldn’t miss them! They did very well, beating several other teams. Our team members were Geoff and Moira Hall, Dave and Lynn Quine, Arnie Jacobs, Ingrid Sugden, Les Brown, Rob Gallanders, Mo Kelly and Sue Ackroyd.
Pictured below are a few members from our Club & Western AC who went across to York to take part in The Brass Monkey 1/2 Marathon. Missing from the photo is Catriona Farrant
Back row L to R
Ingrid Sugden,Lynne Quine,David Quine,Geoff Hall.
Front row L to R
Sue Ackroyd,Moira Hall.Maureen Kelly.
Unconfirmed times:
Allan Corran WAC 1hr 39
Lynne Quine IOMVAC 1hr 57
Allan Kelly IOMVAC 1hr 58
David Quine IOMVAC 2hr 07
Sue Ackroyd IOMVAC 2hr 10
Geoff Hall WAC 2hr 15
Moira Hall WAC 2hr 15
Ingrid Sugden IOMVAC 2hr 20
Helen Leming 2hr 20
Maureen Kelly IOMVAC 2hr 22
Catriona Farrant IOMVAC 2hr 22
Marathon / Half Marathon Sunday 13th August 2006.
The top two in the marathon pictured about 10mins after the start (pic. Adrian Cowin). More photos., info. and links on our Marathon page: please click here.
RESULTS: Please click on the following -- Marathon or Half Marathon.
Club members Eammon Harkin (No. 38) & Stan Sille (No.68) pictured in action by Adrian Cowin at the 100mile walk on Sunday 20th August. For further details of this event including links to the results & more shots please click here. To read Eammon's item titled 'Reflecting on 100 Miles' published on the forum click here
Union Mills Garage sponsored 20km racewalk at the NSC, Sunday 3rd September 2006:-
Picture by Paul Jackson. For more shots & the results please click here, also see and pictures by Murray Lambden here.
The End to End Walk, Sunday 24th September 2006, sponsored by Ramsey Bakery. RESULTS
Event Stopped at about 10miles from normal finish due to hill fog. Please see pages at for more, including photos. Thanks to Murray Lambden.
Club member Gareth Evans did well at the Thames Path 50 mile Ultra on Saturday 17th Feb., he finished 43rd out of 123 starters (there were 161 entries) in a time of 9:32:15. See the full results here. The course finished in Shepperton & started in Reading -- see picture below, I think Gareth may be in the middle of the front row (wearing the yellow top with '..9' visible, his race number was 39).
Members & guests at our Club Annual Presentation Dinner 2006, pictures by Simon Cox. To see other shots from that night please click here.
Syd Quirk Half Marathon Run & Walk was held on Sunday 5th November 2006.
Kindly sponsored by
(Isle of Man) Ltd
To see the great coverage, results etc. for the 'Syd Quirk' please click here. Thanks to Murray Lambden (
Thanks to Dave Nixon. Held on Thursday 22nd March at NSC.
RESULTS (from Mike Gellion): -
RUN click here (pdf) or here (Excel).
WALK click here (pdf) or here (Excel).